Woman starter pack 🤢🤮
woman starter pack No Y chromosome Wtf even is this wheres the balls??? The Vulva Clitoral hood Clitoris Labia majora Labia minora Vulva vestibule Urethral openir Vaginal openin Anus they eat babies wtf Cavity of uterus- Endometrium uterine lining) Matemal uterine Amniotic fluid what type of symbol is that blood vessels Chorion Amniotic Sac and Placenta The amnion forms a sacfiled withamnietic fuid at surrounds the baby, gvingita safe place to grow. Mammary Glands The placenta alows interaction between the mother's blood and the developing tetus. The chorionic vi Cervix Lobules are separated from the mother's blood by just a thin membrane that allows oypen and nutrients to enter The mammary oand is but protects againet the mothers immune cets, preventing them from attacking the fetus made up of iobes, cach consisting of many smaler lobules, that are capable of producing breast Lactiferous duct Stages of Pregnancy The firnst trimester ia tu ef rapid growth and mik. Mik is delvered from the lobules to the nipple by lactiferous ducts. The breasts enlarge trom hormones during Ist Trimester Znd Trimester 3rd Trimester development for the fetus. The brain, spinal cond, and Nipple ether organs begin to form and the heart begins to prognancy to prepare for mik production At the time of beth, the glands produce colostrum, a hin, yellowish fuld for the baby's first beat. Ahough the fetus begins to movo ot just a few -Lobe weeks old, the mether may not feot the movements meal. Colostrum is rich in antbodies and nutrients to protect the an he second imester. At this point in time, all the baby and aid in development ot the gut during the fiest few days Weeks Weeks 13-27 Weeks major ergans have been formed. During the fnal of ite. After producing colostrum for 2-4 days, the 1-12 trimester, the baby grows arger and the organs gands begin te produce breast mik mature and begin to function. The due date is usually marked at 40 wecks from he fest day of your tast menstrual cycle, however, a baby a considerod tu term between 37 and 42 weeks oestation Ligamentum arteriosum Placenta Fetal Circulation After Birth Fundus of uterus Belore Birth Fossa Aortic arch Foramen ovale - Uterus Small intestine Ductus Duing pregrancy. venosus he mether does al Ductus arteriosus he work to provide Umbilical cord Spine dypen tor the etus via the Internal iliac placenta. The fetal lungs are bypassed by two connections, the Placenta foramen ovale and the ductus arteriotus, that wi dose shorty Umbilical vein Umbilical arteries ater birth Stages of Early labor Expulsion Labor KAPWING Cervix Bladder Cervix beeins to Pubic symphysis O+