The internet meme search engine.

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Memegine - A search engine for memes | Product Hunt
"School is bad!!!" Arguments starterpack
."school bad!!!!" starterpack this post is an unpopular opinion thEy dOn'T TEACH mE tO fiLe tAx!!!! probably a high schooler who thinks they know the flaw in society THE PEOPLEVS THE SCHOOL SYSTEM they only teach shitty science that I wont ever need VS proceeds to buy organic salt and believe in anti-vaccination STUDENT TEACHO 6:01 idolizes Don't Stay in School 43M views · 6 years ago WHAT IS SCHOOL FOR? him 3:18 8:14 acts agers. like r/teenagers r/im14andthisisdeep this 2.5m members 928k members
"school bad!!!!" starterpack this post is an unpopular opinion thEy dOn'T TEACH mE tO fiLe tAx!!!! probably a high schooler who thinks they know the flaw in society THE PEOPLEVS THE SCHOOL SYSTEM they only teach shitty science that I wont ever need VS proceeds to buy organic salt and believe in anti-vaccination STUDENT TEACHO 6:01 idolizes Don't Stay in School 43M views · 6 years ago WHAT IS SCHOOL FOR? him 3:18 8:14 acts agers. like r/teenagers r/im14andthisisdeep this 2.5m members 928k members
There is more where this came from 👇