The internet meme search engine.

I also created an AI to turn any video into viral shorts
Memegine - A search engine for memes | Product Hunt
It's enough to make a grown man cry, and that's ok
.I can't believe he didn't cry during Titanic! Do men even have feelings? s.j. skirmshur • 2 months ago I remember making this in creative flat- mode awhile back. Maybe a year or so ago? But I remember working on this for literal days, even in creative. I just had to get every detail right. When I was finished, I showed my Dad, who praised my hard work and I felt so happy! It is now my prized build, all due credit to you of course. However, I never finished the interior. Never even started on it before my father passed away. Now, in memory of my Dad, l'll be starting and finally finishing this gorgeous build. Thank you so much, this means a lot to me, as cheesy as it is! Have an amazing day/ night! I6 417 E 22 made with mematic
I can't believe he didn't cry during Titanic! Do men even have feelings? s.j. skirmshur • 2 months ago I remember making this in creative flat- mode awhile back. Maybe a year or so ago? But I remember working on this for literal days, even in creative. I just had to get every detail right. When I was finished, I showed my Dad, who praised my hard work and I felt so happy! It is now my prized build, all due credit to you of course. However, I never finished the interior. Never even started on it before my father passed away. Now, in memory of my Dad, l'll be starting and finally finishing this gorgeous build. Thank you so much, this means a lot to me, as cheesy as it is! Have an amazing day/ night! I6 417 E 22 made with mematic
There is more where this came from 👇