The Entire Bee movie script. But I circled the most important part of the movie
ologra ofnature God put b 10- b F Yeah You going to e R Three e ns on your victory. What wit you demand as a settlement Fest, wed aring? My sweater is Ralph Lauren, and I have no pants- WhatMongomerys ngh- What do you mean? We've been ing the bee wyong are you doing? You knowdoteven e honeyti don't eat We need to ta O be pahel ve gotues W V we ved nhe ng fhat woudmean ? e sports Wa al heSo of this Tm getting to the bottom of all of thel Hey Hector-You aimost done?-Amost go ab st leave this nice honey out with no one ar Lke what? Gve me one eampledont know. But you know what fm taking about Please clear e ar Fo - gonknow T ohs dose. They inowwh na say fm sory I ne nd N W Menether BR n sale to make There'sN Oonoratutations o you? I beleve fm the pea The Theyre scary, hairy and here n n you attack athe point of wknessw ngnher Ken d wizardry T beusing laser beaal Robotics v Wat One of these andy-brain, get off there! Problemt- Guyst-This could bebed Aet epohe side Whard you get crud out ebies? Yes st Our fest day e are ready Make your cholce-You want o go f Onmy Whas her dead one Deady Dealled Two Eat this This is not overt What was that?-They callta crumbt was so stirgin sripeey And thats ot what they eat Thats what falla of what they eat-You M on myhend Thinking bee minute amoving fower? Afimative Thal he coolest what is ?i donE of e hese are No h ary, worked Did They're very lovat , Fotie eard t before? A ade nalascet Lers see omeone re award. Three days colege m glad i took a day and htchhied Ba gota get going I had to open my mo According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fy s wings are too smal to get its fat ie body off the pround The bee, of course, fies anyway because bees dont care what humans think is impossible Yelow black Yelow black black. Oon, black and yelowt Lef's shake it up a lite Baryt Breakfast is readyt Ooming Hang on a second Hello? - Barry- Adam? -Dan you believe this is happening-I ant pick you ue Looking sharp. Use the stairs Your faher paid good money for the Here's the graduate. Wee very proud of you, son. A perfect report card, al Bs. Very proud. Mat l got a thing going here - You got int on your fuzz -Ow Thats me- Wave to us Webeinrow fuzz gel?-Ate. Special day graduation Never Looks good. Thar's why we dont need vacations Boy quite a bit of pomp under the orcumstances - Wel Adam, today we are men- We aret - Bee-men - Amen Halelujaht Students, facuty, distinguished bees, please welcome Dean Buzzwel Welcome, New Hve O 0:15. That concudes our ceremonies. And begins your career at Honex Industrest W we pick ourjob today? I heard its just orientation Heads upl Here we go Keep your handN and antennas inside the tram at al mes Wonder what be le?-Ae sca a division of Honesco and a part of the Hesagon Group. This is t Wow. Wow We know that you, as a bee, have woked your whole e to get to the point where you can work for your whole e Honey begins when our valant Polen Jocks bring the nectr to formula is automaticaty color comected, scent adusted and bubble-contoured into this soothing sweet synp with ita distincive golden glow you know as Honey- That gei was hot She's my cousint -She i?- Yes, we're all cousins- Right Youe ngh -AHone to improve every aspet of bee eistenoe These bees are strese testing a new helmet echnology What do you think he makes? Not enough. Here we have our latest advancement he Kremin What does that do Outches hat lie snd of honey t h Bye Barry, I told you, stop ying in the house-Hey.Adam nd the hive You did come back dferent just goten out of the way, I love this incorporating an amusen Bamy-Arte Frankie?- die Dont waste it on a squirrel. Such a hothead. Ig 1guess he could h know that Whats the diference? Yo be happy to know that bees, as a species. havent had one day ofin 27 milion years So you ust work us lo death? We sure ty Wow That biew my mind Whars the dierence How can you ay tha One jrever T to have to make fm relleved. Now we only have to make one decision in Me But. Adam how coid they never have lold us that? Why would you question anything? Wee bees Were the most perlecty functioning society on Earth You ever i maybe tngs wor Yeah, but some dont come back Hey. Jockst to be a Polen Jock Vou have to be bred for that. Righht Look. Thar's more polen than you and I will see ina ifetime. s just a status symbol Bees make loo muh of Perhaps Unlesi youre wearingtand the ladies see you wearing e Those lades? Aretthey ou Distant. Look at these two Oouple of Hive Harrys Lers have fun with them must be dangerous being a Polen Jock. Yeah. Oncea bear pinned me apainsta mustvoont He hada paw on my vo and with the other, he was sapping mel-Oh y-e out What were you doing during s? Trying to alert the authorities I can autograph that. Ae guty oul here today, wasn comrades? Yean Gusty Wee Nng a sunfower patch si miles om here tomorrow S miles hu- BanytApudde p for us Jockst You guys did great Youre monster Yoe who knows where, doinghoo w feld just isn't right for me You were thirkng of what, making baloon animals? Tharsa bad job r a guy witha stinger. Janet your son's not sure he wanta lo ge into honey-Bary you ae so funy sonetimes m not trying to be funy Youhe not unny Ye son, the strer- Voure gonna be a stirer-No ones listening to mel Wait you see the shcks Ihave icould say annything nght now Tm gonna get an ant tattool Lets open some honey and celebratel Maybe pierce my thora Shave my atana Sha up a gold tooth and ca everybody"dewg m so proud, We're starting work today - Today's the day Oome ont A the good jobs wil be gone Yean, nght Polen counting stunt bee, pourng, stme, front dek hair removals avalabe- Hang on Two Oongratulations you g you go. On cpening See? He Restroom ahendants pen or for Wax monkey's always open. The Krelman opened up again What happened? A bee ded. M Any chance of geting the Kreiman?- Sure, yore on. m sony, the Kr the neck up. Dead trom the neck down Thats idet Oh, this is o hardt Heating cooling stunt bee pourer, strer, humming inspector number seven nt coordinator, stripe supervisor, m wrangler Bany what do you thinkshould Bamy? Bany Al ight, we'veg in quadrant nine What happened to you? Where are you?- m going out. - Dun Out whvere?-Out there Oh, not I have to, belorei go to work for the rest of my Me Voue gonna de Youre orar Helo? Aner call coming in fanyones teeing braave here's that gets their roses tody Hey, guys- Look at that at that the kid we saw yesterday Hold, son, fight decks restricted Is OK Lou Wee gonna take him e Realy Feeling ucky, e you Sign here, here Just iniial hat - Tha you OK You gotan you all know, bees cannot y in ran So be caretul As always, watch your brooma, hocky sticks, dogs beds bears and bats. Also, Igot a couple of reports of root beer being poured on Murhysna home becaute of babeing lhe a cada. Thans Fookies, bee law umber on, abaoutly no taking to humanst Al right, launch positione Buzz, ba, bz, bura Buzz, buz. buz, buzt taz, butz, buze, buzzt Back and yelow He You ready ohis, hot shor? Yeah Yeah, brington Wnd check Aeterna check Wings, theck Singer chec Scared out of my shorts, check OK, ladies les move tout Pound those petunias, you striped stemucers Al of you, drain those fowers Wow m o icant beleve m out So blue Ifeel so tast and treet Bo Wow Leader. We have roses vi Bring around 30 degrees and hold Rosest 30 degrees, roger. Bringing around Stand to the de kid. irs got a bit of a kick Thats one nectar colectort-Ever see polination up cose?- No si I pick up some polen he spe dash over there, a pinch on that one See thar s a lite bit of magie. Thaf's amazing Why do we do that? Thars polen power More polen, more flowers, more nectar, more honey for us Oool m picking upa lot of bight yellow Oould he daises Dontwe need be on the move. Say again? Youre reporting amoving irs a lime grabby My w him?-I think he knows What is this Match point You can start packing up, honey, because you're about to eat t Yowsert Gross. There's a bee in the cart- De something-m driving - H bee He's back here He's going to sting met Nobody move you don you. Freezel He binked Soray him Granny What are you doing Wow. the tension level out here is unbelevable. I gota get home. Oant y in rain Oant y in rain. Canity in rain Mayday Mayday Bee going downt Ken, could you close the window piease Ke window please? Oheck out my new resume I made it into a fold-out brochure. You see? Folds out. On no. More humans. Tdon't need this What was thar Maybe this time This time. This tme This timel This timel This Drapes That is disbolica statac SAlls, even my top-ten tavorite movies Whats number one? Star Wars? Nah. I dont go for thatkind of stut. No wonder we shouldnt tak to em They're out of tmer minds When i leave a job nterview theyre fabbergasted, cant beleve what i say There's way out. I don't remember the sun having a big 75 on it I predicted global warming I could feel it geing hotter. At first I hought it was just me Wat Stop Beel Stand back. These are winter boots Wa Don't himt You know tm alerge to themt This ing could Me have less value than yours? Why does his ife have any less value than mine?is that your statement Im just saying all e has value You dont know what he's capatle of feeling My brochure There you go, lete guy m not scared of him s an alerge thing P brochure. My whole face could pulfup Make one of your special skils. Knocking someone out is also a special si Right. Bye. Vanessa Thanks - Vanessa, next week? Yogut ightt -Sure, Ken You know, whatever - You could put carb chips on there ye calories - Bye. I gota say something Amative Very e Mama's ie boy You are way o thar's no good. Here she comest Speak you foo H m sory - You're taking-Y know Youre talking m nso somy No, is OK s fne know Fm dreaming ButI don't recal going to bed. We msure he This is a bit of a uprise to me Ime am. And Im not supposed to be doing this but they were all trying to me And wan for you Ihad to thank you just howwas rased. That was a ite weird Im taking wth a bee-Yeah a bee is taking to mel I just want to say m gratel. leave now Wait How did you learn to do that?- Whar? The taking thing Same way you did I guess "Mama Dada honey You pick tup- Thats very funny-Yeah Bees are funny if we ddnt laugh we to deal with Anyway Oan get you something?- Like what?I dont know, Imean dont know Oofee?i dont want to put you out s no trouble.takes two minutes s jst oofeehate to impose -Do be nidiculous Actualy I I shouldnt - Have some No fcant- Oome on m tryng to lose a couple micrograme Where? - These stripes don't help. You look great dont know it you know anything about tashion gets there. He runs up the steps ino the church The wedding is on. Arnd he says Watermelon?thought you said Guatemalan, Why would I marry a watemelonis thata bee joke? Thars Know I want to do my par fore e. but i cant do it the way Dey want Iknow how you feel You doSure My parents wanted me to be a lawyer ora doctor, but i wanted to bea fonst- Realy-My only nterest is fowers Our new queen was teected wil e you all right? No Hes making the te suf we do. Yeah, diferent. So, what ogirts put ngs an their toes?-Why nor?-se puing ahon your kne 7Oan i take a pece of ti wme? Su e ha set to go. We may as wel ty You all right, ma'a-O yeah Fine Ant having two oupn of cofleel Anyway, this has been great Thanks for the cofee Yeah, s no trouble Sorry i couldn shidid, re be up ther Yeah. All right. Wel, thenguess see you around. Or not OK, Barry And hank you se much agan r before On that? That was nohing Wel, not noing but Anyway This cant posly work Hes naaing -was amangwas he scariest, happlest moment of my e Hunan cant beleve you were with humanst Giant, scary humanel Wat were they he Huge and cary. They ta ry They at orary gant hings They ove cray D Bome of them B some fem dont Howd you get back?- Poodle. Vu did and m glad. You saw whatever you wanted to see Vou had your eperience Now you can pik yoob and be nomal- WellWell? W Imet someone You d Was Vour parents wil ka you- Na no no, not a waspSpider. m not ahracled to spiders kow e hotlest thing, with the eght legs and at icant et by that fece So who is she? Shes huan No no Thats a bee lw You wo brea boy She's so nice And sheafor ON nol Youre dating a human forist Wee not dating Youie fying outde he ve, tang to humans hat attack our homes wth power wshers and MO Oneeghhastick of dynamtel She saved my And sheunderst tof my e Are -19 Wwes Theres us and t d here's sthemt Yes, but who can deny he heart thats yeamng There's no yeaming Stop yeaning Lsten to met You hav bread and onnamon and hrostng They heatue Thinking bee We are not themt beef Thinking beel There he is He's in the pool. You know what your problem is Barry? i goita start thirking bee? How much longer wsge on? Its been ree days Why arent you working? ve got a lot ol big ife decisions to tnk about What e Youha job. You're barely a beel Would aka you to make a lle honey? Barny, come out Your tather's taking to you Martin, would you tako him? Barry Im taking to you You coming? Gof everyng AM se Ge ahead. catch up Dont be too long Watch th Vane I told you not to yel at him He doesn't respond to yeling- Then why yell at me?-Because you dont tent m not listening to this Sory ve gita go - Where are you going - m meeting a fnd A gi his why you cant decide? Bye jat hope parade of flowers every year in Pasadena To be in the Toumament of Roses, thaf's every fonsts dreamt Up on a foat, surounded by fowers crowds cheering. A toumament Do the roses compete in aetic event? No. Al right, ve got one. How cone you do exhausting Why dont you nun everywhere? s faster. Yeah, OK, I see, I see. All night, your tun. TIMO. You can just treeze live TV Thats insane You dont have that? We have Hve. but ia disease sa homble, homble disease On my. Dume bees You must Thinking Theg Is a bug. He's not bothering anybody Get out of here, you creept What was tharAPeN Save circular? Yeah, it was. How did you know tet ke about 10 pages Seventy-vea prety much our imt You've realy got that down to a science -lesta cousin to What in the name of Mighty Heroules is this? How did this get here? Oute Bee, Golden Blossom, Ray Liotta Prvate Select? -s he that actor?-i never heard of him - Why is is here?-for people We eat You doni have enough food of your ow-We yes Bees And it's hard b ed a whole Kreiman thing -I organic - irs ourganict sM stealng of steaino You've take boy! I knew I heaard something So you can takti can talk. And now yoU start taking Where you geting the sweet stuf Who's your suppler? 1 dont understand. I hought we were trends. The last thing we want to do is upset bees You're loo laens ous now the wrong sword You, sir, wi be nch for my iguana, Ignacio! Where is the honey coming from? Tel me wherel Honey Farmst it comes from Honey Farmst Orary person What homble thing has happened here? These faces, they never knew what hit them And m to nowhere Just keep s What? You're not dead? Do i look dead? They wil wipe anyeng that moves Where you headed? To Honey Farms I am onto something huge here m gong to Alaska Mocse blood, crary stu. Bows your head off m going te Tacoma is dead. All nght. Uhoh What is that-On net Awipert Triple bladel Triole blade Jump ont s your only chance, beet Why doei everything have to be so dogpone cean How uch de yo penple need to see Open your eyest Sock your head ouhe win in Washington m Oart Kase. But dont na more bugst - fleet - Moose blood quyt- You hear something-Lke what? Like ny soreaming fum of the rado. Whassup, bee bey Hey Bood Justarow of honey jars, an far as the eye could see Wowlau monquito, mack, mad At you're out in the world. You must meet girs Mosquno gs by to trade up get wm a mon, dragonty. Mosque gir dont want no mosquto. You got to be oing met Moosebioods about to leave the bulding se ong bee Hey knew rd catch yal down here De yo bring your erary straw? We thvow ain jars apa label on and preny much pure pro. What is this place?A bee's got a brain the e ofa pinhead hey are pinheads Pihead Oheck out the e moerO The Thomas 300or Smeker OK? Veah. doesnt last too long. Do you know you're in a fake hive wth fake wals? Our queen was moved here We had no choice This is your queen? Thara man in womens dethes Thats ngent What is this? Oh, nol Theres hundred of then Be being brazenty stolen on a massive scalel This is worse than anything bears have donel Iend to do something On Barry, stop Who lois you humans are taing our honey Thats amor De hese loo ke rumors? Thats a conspiracy theory These are ve How did you get ed ein is? Hes been taing to humans What?- Taking ohumans He has a human giend And they make out Make out? Bany We de not - You wsh you could Whose side are you on? The beest i dited a net onoein San A kept me up al nigh. Bary. is is what you want to do with your Me? I want to de or al our ves. Nobody works harder than bees Dad, I remember you coing home so overoned your hands were s stiming You couldnt stop. tremember that What ight de We live on two cups a year They put Ain ip baim for no reason whatsoevert Even srue what can one bee do? Sting them where realy hurts n he tace The eyel That would hut - No. Up the nose? Thars a kler. There's only one place you can sting where it maters Hve al Five, he he's only full-hour action news source No more bee beards Wh Bob Bumble at the anchor des, Weather with Storm Singer. Sports with Buzz Lar And Jeanete Ohung Good evening fm Bob Bumte And m eano Barry Benson, intends toe the human race for stealing our honey, packaging and proing trom itegaly Tomorow night on Bee Lanry King we have tvee former queens herein oursudo, dacussing iheir new book, Olassy Lades, out his week on Heagor to Bány Benson. Did you ever think. Tm a kid from the five. I cant de this Bees have never been afrad o change the world What about Bee Oolumbus? Bee Gand Bejeus? Where m tonwd never sue humans. We were thinking of icbal or candy The bee communityi fenety pus a semautomatic. Twice Ace he nicotine, al he taA A couple breaths of this knocks hem nght out. They make the honey, and we make e money They make the honey and we make emoney O my w you and has a show and suspenders and colored dots Next w thouh h you at heard 'em, Bear Week next w backhands a jokel m not gonna take advantage of that? Quiet, please. Actual work going on here is inat that same bee? Ves, a mheling him sue the human race - Hele Helo, bee. ThsKen Yeah Iremember you. Timberand, se len and a hat ity not to use the competition. So why are you helping me Bees have good qualites Ande takes my mind of the shop. Instead of fowers, people are giving baloon bouguets now Those are grea f youre three And artificial fower Oh, those just get me py Bent stingen, poitess polination Bees must hate those take things Nothing worse than a daffodi thats had work done Maybe this could make up for it a lme b- This lawus a prey big deal guess You sure you want to go rough with A humans, they wont be able to say. Honey, Fm home without payng a royatyl ts an incredible scene here in downtown Manhatan, where the world aniously wats, because for the fnt enhistory, we will hear for ourselves fa honeybee can achaly speak into here, Barry rs pretty big. ist i cant beleve how many humans don'Y work duing the day You think billon-dollar multinatonal food companies hav good lawyens? Everybody needs to stay behind the baricade - Whats the matte-i dont knowat the bee team You boys work on ths? All risel The Honorable Judge Bumbleton presideg Al ight Oase number 447S, Superior Oourt of New York, Barry Bee Benson v the Honey ndustry is nowin sesion Mr. Montgomery you're representing the ve food com e us me. It's important to all bees We invented We make it And we protect it with our ves Unfortunately. there ae some people in this room who th they can takettrom us use wehe the ie guyst m hoping that, after thsis all ever. you see how by tang Our farms. Beekeeper. I ted that be a very disturbing term. I dont magine you employ any beetreeer, do you?- No. - couldnt hear you No. - No. Because you don't ee bees You keep bees Not orly that, seems you thought a bear would be an appre honey your throw pilows OK thats enough. Tae hea resample of bee cue caly nothing more than a pranceabout stage name. Oh, please. Have you ever been stung. Mr Sing? Because Im feeling a le stung. Sing Or should I say M Gordon M. Sumnert Thats not hs real name You idot Mr. Liota frst, belated congraations on guest spot on ER in 2005 Thank you Thank you Isee from your resume that you're devilishy handsome with a chuming inner turmol ats ready to blow. Ienjoy what i do is that a crme? Not yet ant But i this what is come to for you? Explong ty hep have to rehearse your part and leam your ines, s Watch it, Bensont I coud blow nght now This in'ta goodfeta Thisisa badtelta Why doent someone just step on this creep, and we can al ge home- Order in ths court - Youre a ngeOrdet Ord Liotta, please sit down I hkawas atuy nice of that bear to pitch in the that I nk he junys on our de Are we doing everything rght, legaty ma forist. Right Well hereto a great am foa great tam Wel hello Kent - Helo I dont you were d crashing you for being here Your name was with a band called The Polce Bt youve never been a police officer, have you? No. kte grabiby. Thars where i usualy s Right there. Ken, Barry was looking at your resume, and he agreed with me that eating with chopsticks isnt realy a specal s You hink i dont see uhat you're doing?i know how hard is to fnd he rightoe We have Bees have 100 percent employment, but we de jobs ke taking the crud out. Thats ust what iwas thinking about doing. Ken, let Bary borow your razor for hs turz. Ihope that was all nght mgong to dran the old stinger. Yeah, you do that. Look at that You kn it with your itie mind gamesWhers that? alan Vogue. Mamma mia, thats a lot of pages. Alot of ads Remember what Van said, why is your ife more valuatle an mine? Funny, at cat seem to recal at ihk something snksin herelove he smel af Well wel wel a royal fush- Yo/e bing -Am n Sufs up, dude Poo watert That bowtn graty Except for those dity yelow happens to be the nicest bee ve met in a long timet Long time What are you taking about Are there other bugs in your e? No. but here are oer th And you've one of them Fne Taing bees, no yogut night My nerves are tred trom ding on this emotional roller coastert Goodbye, Ken And for your information, I preter sugaree aoleeteners made by mant m sory about athat Ikow is gt always folt there was some ind of barmer between Ken and me I couldn't overcomet On, well Are you OK for the tra i beleve Mr. Montgomery is about out of ideas We wouldeto cal MBary Benson Bee to the stand. Good ideal You can realy see why t lke the smell of fames Not as much Water bug Not faking sidest Ken, Kid Only to losing M. Benson Bee, riask you what I think we'd all ke to know Wwhat exacys your relationshp te that woman? Were trends Good tiends? Yes How good? De you ve ogether? Watamnte Ae you her ebedbug? eseen a bee do what I understand, doesnt your queen gve birth to al the bee chidren?. Yeah, butSo hose went your al parental - On, Bary Yes. hey aret Hold me back Youre an egtnate bee arnt you, Benson? Hes denouncing beest Dont ya date your cou going to pincushion t guy Adam, dont is what he wants! Oh, Im hi On, londy. Iam Ordert Ordert The venomt The venom is coursing trough my veinal i have been felled by a winged beast of destruction You see? You cant breat them e eua Th Singing's the only thing they kow their wayt Adam, stay with me cant teel my legs What angel of mercy wil come forward to suck he poson trom my heaving butocka7iwhave order in hs court. Order Order, pleasel The case of he honeybes veru a ponted turn against he bees yeserday when one of their legal team stung Layton 1. MontgomeryHey budty Hey is there much pain-YeahIbew the whole case, didntRdoesnt mater What maters is youre aive You could have det re beb me They got it fom the caleteria downstars, in a na sandwich. Look, there's a this What were we thinking? Look at un Were just a couple of bugs in this wond. What wia the humans do to usthey win?i dont know Ihear they put the reaches in motels That doesnt sound so bad Adam, they check in, but they don't check close that window?-Why- The umoke Bees dont smoke. Right Bees dont smoke Bees don't smokel But some bees are moking Thats Thars our caset 7 s not over Get dressed e gota go somehere Get back to the court and stal Sul anyyy you've done step comecty, youre ready for the tub Mr, Flayman. Yes? Yes Vour Honor Where is the rest of your leam? Wel Your Honor, sinteresting Bees are trained to fy haphacardy. and as a res we dont make very good time lachualy heard havent these ridiculous bugs tken up enough of this courts valuable time? How much longer wil we alow these absurd shenanigans to go on? They have presented no compeingevidence topport ther charges aggainst my dients who nnlegitinate busineis dismissal of this entire case Mr. Flayman fm atraid I'n going to have to consider M. Montgomerys motion. But you cant We have a erriic case. Where in your proof? Where is the evidence? Show me the smoking gunt Hold Your Hono Vou wata smok smoking gun. What is that? Ksa bee smokert What, this? This harmless etle contraption? This couldnt hurt a y. let alone a bee Look at what has happened to bees who have never been asked. "Smoking or non? Is this what nature intended for us Te be forc machines and man-made wooden slat work camps? Living out our lives as honey slaves to the whle man?-What are we gonna do?- He's playing the speces card Lades and gentiemen, please, ee hese bees! Free the bees Free the bees Free the bees F bees! The court finds in tavor of the bees Vanessa we wonf I knew you could de Highivet Sory m OK You know what this means? A the honey wil Irally belong to the bees Now we wont have to work so hard all the time. This is an unholy pervenion of You regret this. Barry. how much honey is out there? AR right. One at a sae celery yMa on What was he to sting someone?i cantenplain was aAl adrenaline and en and then ecstay MAl right You tinkt was ala n of all bee work camps. Then we want back the honey tat was curs to begin th every last drop We d an end to the gonfication of the bear as a a fathy, smely, bad-oreath stin machine. Were all aware of what they do in the woods Wait for my signal Take him out He have nauseous for a few hours, then he be fne And we will no longer tolerate bee-negative nicknames But s jata pranceaboutstage inclusion of honey in bogus health products and la-dee-da human teatime snack gamishments. Oani breahe Bring it in boya Hold right there Good. Tap Mr. Buzzwel we just pessed three cups, and theres galons more coming-n weneed toshut dow never shut down Shut down honey productiont Stop making honey Tum your kery si What do we do now? Oannontat Were shuting honey productiont Mission abort. Aborting polination and neciar detal Retuming to base Adam you wouldnt beleve how muct Oh yeah? Whats going on? Where in evenybody? Are they out celebrating?- Theyhe home. They dont know what to do Laying out, sleeping in Iheard your Uncle Oart was on his way to San Antono with a cricket. At least we got our honey back Sometimes doing nothng s amang Honey realy changes people, You don't have any idea whats going on, de you?- What did you want to show me?-this What happened here? Thats not the haf of ON o On my. They're al witing Doent look very good, does you think that 7 You know. m gonna gues bees Bees? Specifically, me 1dat bees not needing to make honey would affect al these tings noust fowers Frus, vegetales. hey all need bees Thars our whole SAT est nght here ey pr entre animal kingdom And then, of cn The human species? Bo there's no more polination, Rcoud al st ge south here, couldntknow theis also party my faut How boutasode pact? How do we do ?- sing you, you step on meTha are you avng to see Vanessa, i jnt wana Roses pollent i know. Thats why thisse last parde Maybe not Ood yoN sk him ow down Oo you skow down? Barryt OK, I made a hge mistake This s a total disaster, all my f Ye ndof e nned the planet Iwanted te he you whhe fo worse Actually, ire completly cosed down Ihought maybe you were remodeling Ihave anotherdea, and is greater han my prevou ideas combined I dont want to heaA nght they have the roses the roses have he polen Iknow every bee, plant park. All we gott do n get what theyve got back here with what we ve got Bees Park Polent - Flowers Repolinationt - Acros the nation Toumament of Roses Pasadena Oa a Theyve gol nothing but fowers, foats and conon candy Secuty w b Vanessa be the peal Ye,gor the nght oal H FTD Ofical oral buiness Not in t ny tae weheart Tm geting the marshal You de tha Ths whe The pean goes un Sorry, ma'am Nice brooch Thank you was a gn Once inside, we just pick th suspicion. Once at the arport, there's no stopping us Stopt Security, You and your insecd pack your foar?-Yes. Has R been in your possession the entre time? Wod you remove your shoes?-Remove your stingers part of me. Iknow Just havng some it we're lucky, we'i have just enough polen to do the job. Oan you believe how lucky we are? We have just enough polen to do the job Ithik this is gonna work is got to wor Abention passengers this a Oaptain Scom. We have a bt of bad weater in New experience a coupile hous detay Ban these are out fowers with no water. They never make I gotta get up there and ta to them Be caretu Oaniget help with the Sky Mal magaine tae order the taking infatable nose and ear hair er Oaptain What'd you say. Hal?- Nohing Bee Dont freak outt My entire species Whai are you doing?- Wat a minutel fm an attorney - Whos an atomey? Dont move Oh, Bary Good ahemoon, passengen This is your captain. Would a Miss Vanessa Bloome in cockpit? And please humy What happened here? There was a Dustbuster, a toupee, a e ran enploded. One's baid, one's ina boat, theyhe both unconscioust -s that anoher bee joe? No Ne ones yng the planel This is JFK control tower, Fight 35e Wha Vanessa Bloome. ma forist trom ew York. Where's the pilot? He's unconsoiou, and so is the copilot. Not good Does anyone onboard have fight experience? As a matter of fact hereWho's than - Bary Benson From the honey tra Ogeat Vaness than a big metal bee s got giant wings, huge engines. 1 can't fly a plane. - Why nor? lent John Travolta a piot? - Yes. How hard could e be? Wat, Bany We're headed into some lighening This is Bob Bumbie. We have some late-breaking news tom FKApon scene is developing. Barry Benson, tresh trom his legat victory Thars Banyatempting to land a plane, loaded with people, fowers and an incapactated fight crew. Flowers We have a stom in he area and two individuals at the controlsw res They've done enough damage. But iant he your only hope? T surface area of te wings and body mass make no sense- Get this on the airt-Got-Stand by - We're going ive. The way we work may be a mystery to you Making honey takes a let of bees aoing a lot of small jobs. But let me tell you about a smal jeyo big difference, More than we realied To us, to everyone. That's why I want to get bees back to working together. Thans the bee way We're not made of Jel-O. We get behind a felowBack and yelowl-Helo Le, right down, hover.-Hover?-Forget hover. This in Beep-beept Barry, what happened?m Wat, I think we were on autopilot the whole time That may have been helping me- And now we're not Sot ums outI cannot ty a plane Al of you, es get behind this felow Move tou Move out Our only chance isio me with the wings of the plane Dont have to yell Im not yelingt We're in a lot of brouble its very hard to concentrate with that panicky tone in your voicel ts not a tone m panickingcant do his Vanessa pull yourself together You have lo snap out ofe You There's a bee on that plane. Im qute famar with Mr. Benson and his is no-account compadres echnicaly, a bee shouldnt be able to ty at all Their wings are too smal Havent we heard the a minute ink m feeling something Wha-i don't know, Is strong, puling me Lhe a 27milion yerold instinct Bring the nose down Thining beel Thinking beel Thinking beet-What in e world on the tamac?. Get some lghts on tha Thiking beel beel Vanessa, am for the fower. OK Out the engines Were going in on bee power, Ready, boys? Aemativel Good. Good. Eany, now That Cand on that fowert Ready ee Spinaround- Not that fowerd The other onel-Which one-That fo fowert That's a t guy ina fowered shit I mean the giant pulsating hower made of miions of bees Pufoward. Nose down Tal up Rotate ound - This is insane, Bany- This the only way know hew to fly Am koo kookachee, orists are fyng in Get your nose in there Don't be wraid Smel Fut reversel Just drop i Be a part of R Am for the center er Now drop itnt Drop woma Oome on wnaready Bary we dde vou tughehe Mne how to ty-Yes et giant flower? Where? Of counel sw the fowerl That was geniusl- Thank youBut were not done yet Listen, everyonel This runway covered with the last polen from the last fowers avalabie anyhere on Earth. That means this is our last chance We honey, polinate fowers and dess e hiswere gonna survive as a species this i oe moment What do you say Are we going to be bees, ort Museum of Natural Htory leychains? Wee bees Keychain Then follow met Except Keychan H on Bam this Yeah Im a Polen Joc And is a perfect t. A gotta do are the sleeves. Oh, yeah Thaf's our ary Momt The bees ae backf anybody needs to make acall, now's the tme. gota feeing we be working late tonight Here's your change Havea great after next? Would you he some honey with that?is beeapproved. Don't forget these M ream cheese, is at me And I dont see a nicke Sometimes just leel kea piece of meat had no idea Bamy, he somy Have you got a moment? Wold you e me wil help you Sory Pm late Hesa lwyer too? I was already a blood-sucking paraste Al I eeded was a briefcase. Haveagreat aftermoont Baary just got this huge p order andi cant get them anywhere No problem Vannie Jut eave me Youte aes who's neat? Al nght soramble jockst i time to y Thank you, Bary That bee ising my Mel Let it go, Kenny When will this nighemare endm- Letat go Beut day to y-Sure Betn you and me, Iwas dying to get out of that office You have got fiend Thinking beel - Me? Hold it. Lefs just stop fora second. Hold t. Im sory. m sony, everyone Oan we stop here? m not making amaor fe decision dunnga production umbert Aight Take ten everybody Wiap guys had vitualy no rehear