Sometimes 4chan is surprisingly wholesome
Media: 4chan is full of hackers and criminals 4chan: : Anonymous 07/06/18(Fri)22:29:45 No.773601407 >Mom comes home from work stressed out as usual , dad home drunk >Sees me depressed and unmotivated to do anything > takes me and my sister out to eat >let me order anything from the menu , as the good boy I am I order tendies with 46 KB PNG hunny mussy >we leave and go visit my uncle and my newborn cousin >on our ride back home we listen to Southern Nights , a song I love >mfw I realized she did this all for me to cheer up >came home and didn't want to cry and say "i love you" cause l'm a wuss > grow a pair of balls and go say "I love you and thanks for taking me out "sobbing all over her shoulder >still crying while writing this > although you'll never see this > Thank you mom , I love you with all my heart