The internet meme search engine.

I also created an AI to turn any video into viral shorts
Memegine - A search engine for memes | Product Hunt
I would never thought it better
.sinn (o·V•.)5¬☆ @missing_lighter The BDSM community needs to get in on the protests. If hordes of leather and latex people charging into rubber bullets yelling HARDER DADDY doesn't unnerve the police nothing will 1:33 AM · 02 Jun 20 · Twitter for iPhone Modern problems require modern solutions
sinn (o·V•.)5¬☆ @missing_lighter The BDSM community needs to get in on the protests. If hordes of leather and latex people charging into rubber bullets yelling HARDER DADDY doesn't unnerve the police nothing will 1:33 AM · 02 Jun 20 · Twitter for iPhone Modern problems require modern solutions
There is more where this came from 👇