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raise awareness about the amazon rainforest fire
.girls at puberty: it's horrible i want to die boys at puberty: USA TODAY weather focus Latest forecast at Natio Albany, N Albuquer Allentown Anchorage ALantic City Augusta, Ga AuStin Bakersneld, C Baton Roure Birmingham A) Dismarck N.D Bolse Buffalo Cedar Rapids Charleston, S.C colorado Springs Columbla, S.C Dayton, Ohlo Daytona Beach Des Motnes Duluth. Minn. EI Paso Fort Myers, Fl2. Fresno Grand Kapjds Greensboro,N.C Greenvile, S.C Harrisburg, Pa Hartford Conn Huntsville, Ala 1slip, N.Y. Eckson, Miss ackconville Knoxville, Teon Lexington, Ky. Little Rock Loulsville Tubbock, Texas Madison, Wis MCAllen 130 Danger Heat exhaustion likely, heat stroke possible with prolonged exposure Excessive heat can take a toll 130 and above Summer heat will continue to sizzle across the southern USA today and through the weekend, Temperatures will soar into the upper 90s to above 100 degrees in many spots. During these dog days of summer. make sure animals have shade and adequate water. Pets should not be left in parked cars. Extreme danger Heat stroke likely 120° Heat index/heat related illnesses 110 Extreme 100 Note: Heat index Values comblne the effects of ham dity and temperature measured in the bade. Direct Exposure to the can increase the heat Index by as much as 15 caution Heat cramps, exhaustion possible 98 RA 90 93/7 84/6 82/63 95/69 81/669 98/215 90/68t 91/665 87/68s 98/735 90 Caution 80 Sourtes: NatioralWeather Service; American ed Cross By Dcyle Rice and Julle Snider, USA TODAY GET A TN
girls at puberty: it's horrible i want to die boys at puberty: USA TODAY weather focus Latest forecast at Natio Albany, N Albuquer Allentown Anchorage ALantic City Augusta, Ga AuStin Bakersneld, C Baton Roure Birmingham A) Dismarck N.D Bolse Buffalo Cedar Rapids Charleston, S.C colorado Springs Columbla, S.C Dayton, Ohlo Daytona Beach Des Motnes Duluth. Minn. EI Paso Fort Myers, Fl2. Fresno Grand Kapjds Greensboro,N.C Greenvile, S.C Harrisburg, Pa Hartford Conn Huntsville, Ala 1slip, N.Y. Eckson, Miss ackconville Knoxville, Teon Lexington, Ky. Little Rock Loulsville Tubbock, Texas Madison, Wis MCAllen 130 Danger Heat exhaustion likely, heat stroke possible with prolonged exposure Excessive heat can take a toll 130 and above Summer heat will continue to sizzle across the southern USA today and through the weekend, Temperatures will soar into the upper 90s to above 100 degrees in many spots. During these dog days of summer. make sure animals have shade and adequate water. Pets should not be left in parked cars. Extreme danger Heat stroke likely 120° Heat index/heat related illnesses 110 Extreme 100 Note: Heat index Values comblne the effects of ham dity and temperature measured in the bade. Direct Exposure to the can increase the heat Index by as much as 15 caution Heat cramps, exhaustion possible 98 RA 90 93/7 84/6 82/63 95/69 81/669 98/215 90/68t 91/665 87/68s 98/735 90 Caution 80 Sourtes: NatioralWeather Service; American ed Cross By Dcyle Rice and Julle Snider, USA TODAY GET A TN
There is more where this came from 👇