The internet meme search engine.

I also created an AI to turn any video into viral shorts
Memegine - A search engine for memes | Product Hunt
Thanks to u/destrucules for say this stuff
.Be mad at disney for not letting Spiderman on the kids gravestone Because Disney did plenty. For one, the kid's funeral was led by Spiderman and featured a horse drawn carriage. Disney, in their re- sponse letter, offered to make a memorial for the kid, said they were honored to have made an impact on the kid's life, and offered to do anything else they could to support the family. But, as the letter explains, they have a policy not to allow their characters to be carved onto Stoping tombstones because that would be disturbing to their young audience. It's a pretty good and valid point if you ask me. And if I were that kid, I sure as hell wouldn't want to be remembered as the guy who permanently associated spiderman with dying kids. and reading A secondary point - the kid's six year old sister is currently dying of the same disease. The family, and Reddit for that matter, should focus on supporting her. She just watched her brother die a painful horrible death and knows she's about the suffer the same fate. this Imagine what she's going through, and ask yourself if putting spiderman on a piece of granite is really what you should be focusing on
Be mad at disney for not letting Spiderman on the kids gravestone Because Disney did plenty. For one, the kid's funeral was led by Spiderman and featured a horse drawn carriage. Disney, in their re- sponse letter, offered to make a memorial for the kid, said they were honored to have made an impact on the kid's life, and offered to do anything else they could to support the family. But, as the letter explains, they have a policy not to allow their characters to be carved onto Stoping tombstones because that would be disturbing to their young audience. It's a pretty good and valid point if you ask me. And if I were that kid, I sure as hell wouldn't want to be remembered as the guy who permanently associated spiderman with dying kids. and reading A secondary point - the kid's six year old sister is currently dying of the same disease. The family, and Reddit for that matter, should focus on supporting her. She just watched her brother die a painful horrible death and knows she's about the suffer the same fate. this Imagine what she's going through, and ask yourself if putting spiderman on a piece of granite is really what you should be focusing on
There is more where this came from 👇