It all adds up...
*filthy frank invents harlem shake* 0:17/030 *ajit pai does harlem shake* DC 12 *filthy frank quits youtube* PINK LORD ® @FilthyFrank - Dec 29 This is old news but I igured l'd give an official statement. Thank you for your understanding and god bless. Although previously mentioned through bilboard, I believe an official statement as to why l am now done with comedy, is owed to my former fanbase- of which, I'm extremely grateful for. And while it genuinely pains me to express this, I do hope that the reasons below may provide some insight into my decision. Unfortunately, I no longer enjoy producing that content. Several serious health concems, including but not limited to; throat tissue damage, and neurological conditions (that I prefer not to get into). This decision is final. I really can't express just how grateful I am to you all, nor will l ever forget the relationship that we had together. Moving forward, it is up to you whether you'd like to join (or not). In any event, I will stride to continue creating and developing projects I am passionate about, and hope you'l succeed in doing the same. for- 5.5K ta 27K 103K